Reasons to Smile: Part 1

Did you know that focusing on the positives can help you to become more grateful and positive overall? Positive Psychology states that it’s because the more we focus on something, the more we are able to see it. So, noticing even small things each day that bring you joy can more you more aware of these things, meaning you notice them more often and in turn become happier! Isn’t that lovely?

From this area of psychology, we also know that gratitude plays a huge role in how happy and fulfilled we feel in our lives. It’s all too easy to get bogged down when life doesn’t go to plan but remember: positivity breeds positivity. We can’t control everything that goes on around us, but we can control our response, and that is really empowering.

That’s why I’m starting a ‘Reasons to Smile’ mini-series, documenting recent moments in my own life that have brought me joy, in an attempt to practice gratitude and inspire you to do the same :)

1. Pretty mushrooms

As we begin crossing over into winter in the UK, mushroom season is coming to an end. But that’s not to say there aren’t still some about. If anything, I’m finding it more enjoyable now when I do find them because they’re a little harder to come by, so it’s even more special. Like these gorgeous Wood Blewits I saw recently - aren’t they just perfect? They’re an edible (and very tasty) species, pretty easy to identify and they grow primarily in the depths of winter when there aren’t many other edibles around. I just loved how these two were growing together and their beautiful violet colour contrasting against the moss backdrop.

2. My mouldy little pumpkin

Yep I know, very strange. But this pumpkin has brought me joy in unexpected ways. Firstly, the process of creating it with my own hands was so therapeutic. It bringing both candlelight and nature into my life has made me feel very autumnal, cosy and in-tune with the season. Finally, watching it shrivel and decay day-by-day has been a lovely reminder that everything in life is temporary, including the bad stuff 💖 P.S. She officially lasted 9 days before she was becoming a health hazard and had to go in the bin.

3. Sharing the joy of food

This week, I had the pleasure of hand-delivering a copy of In Celebration Of Food to a customer at her coffee/flower shop, which brought me huge amounts of joy. It was scary, because when it’s face-to-face, you can’t hide behind a computer screen. But it was so inspiring to chat nutrition and see that what I’m doing is making a positive difference in the world, no matter how small. This also means In Celebration Of Food has made it to another country (Scotland) - so cool! If you’re ever in the area please do go visit Blumen Flowers and Coffee, the shop is full of stunning flower arrangements and trinkets, and the homemade cakes are delish #supportsmallbusiness

4. Giving more time to Shelley the Artist

I love creating art (check out my Instagram highlight to see some of my work) but I always see spending time on creating art a luxury, rather than a necessity, which is ridiculous. To be clear, I 100% believe that spending time doing something that brings you joy is always time well spent - I just need to learn to practice it more myself! Recently, life has slowed down and I’ve been using the extra time to let myself create. I’ve been pushing myself to try out a new style and I am loving it! I become immersed in creating and I really feel in my ‘flow’ state when I’m making art, and this creates a positive ripple effect in my life, helping me to slow down and be in the moment. This is a lesson to myself to create more :)

5. Foreign money!

I’m currently in Scotland and day-to-day, it doesn’t feel much different to being in England. I’m surrounded by Scottish accents but after a while it just becomes normal and you forget it’s different than what you’re used to. However, being given a Scottish £20 gave me a lovely little reminder of being somewhere new! Though looking at it feels a little like Monopoly money that I can frivolously spend, so not great for the bank account 😂 Scotland may be similar to England in many ways, but there’s so much about it that’s unique, and since picking up this note, I’ve made a mental note to start being more mindful by noticing, and appreciating, more of its charm. And don’t forget, Cash is King.

I’d love to hear your Reasons to Smile today - share them in the comments :)


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